Battery Energy Storage System: What It Is and How It Works?

Battery energy storage systems (BESS) are becoming a leading technology in meeting the growing demand for energy and promoting the transition to green energy. With the ability to store electricity from renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, BESS helps ensure a stable, and continuous power supply. To learn more about how this modern system works, its benefits, and classifications, please follow Alternō’s article below.

1. What is a battery energy storage system?

A battery energy storage system (BESS) is a rechargeable battery that can store energy from various sources and discharge it when needed. A BESS system stores electrical energy in batteries or accumulators when there is excess supply and then releases the energy when demand is high or output is low. This helps balance energy supply and demand, improve grid efficiency, and reduce dependence on unstable energy sources.

Battery energy storage system PDF
Introduction to energy battery storage system

BESS is especially important in integrating renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, contributing to a more sustainable and reliable energy system. Battery systems are essential for utilities, organizations, and homes to provide a continuous power flow because an energy source may encounter changes owing to weather, outages, or geopolitical causes. 

2. The importance of energy storage system battery

  • Making renewable energy possible:

Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind only provide electricity during periods of wind or sunlight. They do not always produce energy that matches peak energy demand. With a battery energy storage system (BESS), energy can be stored during periods of high production and used later during periods of high demand).

  • Reliability and resilience of the grid:

To accommodate greater fluctuation and decentralization as the transition to a renewable energy future, the electrical grid needs to be modified. A BESS can help stabilize the grid by absorbing excess electricity during periods of high production and releasing it during periods of increased demand. Using a BESS also helps blackouts be minimized and a more reliable grid power supply can be made possible. 

  • Supporting electrification:

To attain zero emissions in the future, many businesses that are today powered by fossil fuels must be electrified. These industries such as transportation and heating, where gas boilers and internal combustion engines are being replaced by electric models like heat pumps and electric cars. The electricity demand will rise as more people become electrified, further taxing the grid. 

  • Self-sufficiency in energy:

More locally, thanks to battery energy storage systems, businesses or households can store excess energy for use when the weather is not sunny or windy. Energy independence increases when using BESS. It reduces dependency on the grid, which lowers emissions related to the generation and delivery of electricity.

In addition, to achieve net zero, battery energy storage is essential to promote electrification, facilitate renewable energy, and reduce emissions. The need for energy storage is increasing as more and more industries move towards electrification, thereby increasing the electricity demand.

Battery energy storage system (BESS)
Battery energy storage systems play a role in enabling renewable energy, energy independence, supporting electrification,…

3. Advantages of battery energy storage system

Combining non-renewable and renewable energy sources with battery systems offers several advantages. Since solar and wind energy are not always stable, the application of an energy storage system battery can provide a stable source of energy whenever needed. Here are the benefits of BESS:

  • Surroundings: Installing a battery storage system that utilizes renewable energy reduces carbon emissions from fossil fuels, thereby reducing environmental pollution. This contributes to a path to net zero emissions and reduces the impact of global warming.
  • Cut back on energy expenses: The obvious advantage is saving energy costs. Storing cheap energy and using it during peak times when electricity prices are high helps users reduce higher tariff charges, saving on electricity bills.
  • “Always on” supply: The weather is not always sunny. Since the battery storage system operates continuously, any excess energy in the system is stored to accommodate the natural solar power supply.
  • Decrease reliance on the grid: Whether the energy grid is unstable because of demand peaks or bad weather, energy storage system batteries ensure a steady supply of electricity.
  • Enhanced fortitude: In the case of an outage, a full battery energy storage system can supply backup power, ensuring business continuity.
  • Control of frequency: Making sure the frequency is within the appropriate range, the energy storage battery system can regulate the frequency in the network. Cases such as blackouts or power outages may occur, but the BESS can react immediately and still ensure the frequency response, stabilizing the network. It also ensures voltage stability by maintaining it within specified limits.
  • Co-location of resources: Solar photovoltaics, turbines for wind power, and gas production technologies can all be installed alongside battery systems. BESS co-location can maximize land usage and efficiency, balance intermittent power, divide infrastructure costs, reduce expenses, and maximize the capacity of the national grid.

4. How does a battery energy storage system work?

A BESS uses battery storage technology to store energy that is obtained from the electrical grid, renewable energy sources like solar and/or wind power, or other sources. When necessary events such as blackouts, peak demand, or grid balancing occur, the batteries discharge to release energy. In addition to the batteries, a BESS can also be connected to the grid with additional components.

The primary component that converts electricity between the DC battery terminals and the AC line voltage and permits power to flow both ways to charge and discharge the battery is a bidirectional inverter, also known as a power conversion system (PCS). An energy management system (EMS), which synchronizes the control and operation of all system components, is the other essential component of a BESS.

Energy storage system battery operation

5. Types of electric storage battery

Below is a classification of common types of energy storage batteries:

  • Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion): 

Lithium-ion batteries are one of the most popular types of batteries because they have high energy density, are small, lightweight, have large capacity, and have a long life. Lithium-ion batteries have two main components: LiFeP04 or LFP (Lithium iron phosphate) and lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide (NMC). Lithium-ion batteries have a low rate of self-discharge and may be charged quickly. However, their disadvantages are that they are flammable, expensive, and cannot withstand extreme temperatures.

  • Lead-Acid (PbA):

Lead acid batteries are widely used in the automotive industry such as car starting, and UPS applications. These batteries are widely available, can operate in hot and cold temperatures, and are relatively cheap. This lead acid battery technology will have lower energy density, slower charging, and shorter life than lithium-ion batteries.

  • Flow Batteries:

Unlike conventional rechargeable batteries that use solid electrode materials, flow batteries can store large amounts of energy in a liquid electrolyte solution. This type of battery is less sensitive to temperature changes and has a long life. Compared to lithium-ion batteries, it is more complicated and expensive to install and maintain.

  • Sodium-Sulfur (Na-S):

A sodium-sulfur battery has advantages such as high-temperature operation (from 300 to 350°C), high energy density and life, and daily deep discharge capability. They are often used for stationary grid storage due to their complexity and corrosion sensitivity. However, attention should be paid to the sodium component in the battery because it is extremely flammable and explosive.

  • Lead Carbon Batteries:

Lead carbon batteries have a layer of carbon in the negative electrode and are a type of lead acid battery. They can supply or absorb energy bursts quickly because they combine the high C rate capabilities of lead acid batteries with the super-capacitive qualities of carbon. In comparison to conventional lead acid batteries, the cycle life of the battery is increased due to the addition of carbon, reducing the negative impact on charging behavior.

Even though they have a longer cycle life than conventional lead acid batteries, they are still not as long-lasting as lithium-ion batteries. They need to be disposed of and handled carefully to avoid lead contamination, which causes environmental problems. Besides, although the addition of carbon enhances their efficiency, the density of their energy remains inferior to that of lithium-ion batteries.

6. What is the duration of battery storage?

Most energy-storage battery systems have a lifespan of five to fifteen years. One of the great ways to be fully sustainable is to recycle the materials in batteries and reuse batteries as they reach the end of their useful lives. Both during the extraction process and during disposal, there are environmental advantages to recovering more and more components from batteries and giving them a second chance at life and positive economic effects as well.

Maintenance of battery energy storage systems includes monitoring charge levels, keeping terminals clean, ensuring proper ventilation, and checking for signs of wear or leakage. Additionally, periodic testing and balancing of cells can help optimize performance and longevity.

For more insights into battery energy storage systems and how they can transform your energy needs, follow Alterno’s page and stay updated with the latest innovations in green energy!

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