Our Journey

Alternō’s origin story is a testament to innovation, collaboration, and a shared vision for a sustainable future. Co-founders Hai Ho, Nam Nguyen and Kent Nguyen, each bringing a rich tapestry of experiences in engineering, software development, and environmental sustainability, crossed paths in a serendipitous meeting that would lay the foundation for Alternō. Our collective journey began amidst a global backdrop of increasing environmental challenges and a pressing need for renewable energy solutions.
Before founding Alternō, Hai Ho had already been engaged in a sustainable travel project, where he encountered the challenges of living off-grid and the inefficiencies of traditional battery technologies. His drive to find sustainable energy solutions naturally led him to collaborate with Nam Nguyen, who brought expertise in cutting-edge energy storage innovations. Their shared mission to address the increasing need for advanced energy storage took a pivotal turn during the gasoline crisis in Saigon in November 2022, which accelerated their efforts toward developing a more sustainable and reliable energy system for the future.

What We Value

At the core of Alternō’s ethos are innovation, sustainability, and the unwavering belief in the power of technology to catalyze positive environmental change. Our approach is rooted in a deep understanding of the challenges facing our planet and the conviction that we can offer tangible solutions. We are driven by the urgency of climate change and the global imperative for renewable energy sources that can replace fossil fuels and reduce humanity’s carbon footprint.

Our rapid transition from concept to commercialization sets us apart in the energy sector. This agility reflects our broader philosophy: to act decisively and innovatively in the face of environmental challenges. We prioritize real-world applications and customer-centric solutions, ensuring that our technology not only addresses pressing energy needs but also empowers communities, industries, and economies to transition towards a more sustainable future.

Co-founder & CEO

Hai Ho

Serial entrepreneur dedicated to sustainable development across travel, blockchain, and climate tech. Recognized in major media like WSJ, CNN, Forbes, Nikkei Asia.

Co-founder & CTO

Nam Nguyen

A decade of experience in robotics, automation control, and the Internet of Things (IoT). During his career he helped design and produce 180M+ smart devices.